Source code for orgmatt.nutrients.nitrogen

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022-2023 Tanguy Fardet
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
# orgmatt/nutrients/

import numpy as np
from pint import Quantity

from ..typing import NumericArrayLike, NumericOrArray, Optional
from .all_nutrients import (
    nutrient_from_biowaste, nutrient_from_compound, nutrient_from_population)

__all__ = [

[docs] def nitrogen_from_population( pop: NumericOrArray, duration: Quantity, excreta: str = "all", ci: int = 0, q: Optional[NumericArrayLike] = None, **kwargs ) -> Quantity: ''' Compute the amount of nitrogen generated by a given population over a certain duration using the ``food.csv`` or ``nutrients_excreted.csv`` database. Parameters ---------- pop : float or array-like object Number of inhabitants. duration : Quantity (float) [time] Time interval over which the nitrogen is excreted. excreta : str (optional, default: "all") Type of excreta ("urine", "feces", or "all"). ci : int (optional, default: 0) Confidence interval (CI). If non-zero, the function will also return the low and high expected values corresponding to that CI. q : array-like of floats (optional: default: None) Percentiles to compute (supersedes `ci`). **kwargs : arguments to use a subset of the database Additional arguments can be use to restrict the results to a subset of the full database. E.g. one can add `excreta="feces"` to return only nitrogen contained in feces, or `region="Europe"` to use only values obtained from studies in European countries. Returns ------- nitrogen_mass : float or array of dimension D [mass]*[nitrogen] Mean mass of excreted nitrogen if `q` is None or `ci` is 0. If `q` is provided, returns the values associated to each percentile in `q` for each entry in `pop`; otherwise one (low, mean, high) result per entry in `pop`, giving the masses expected for the requested confidence interval. The dimension D is either 3, len(q), (len(pop), 3), or (len(pop), len(q)) depending on `ci` and `q`. ''' return nutrient_from_population( pop, duration, "N", excreta=excreta, ci=ci, q=q, **kwargs)
[docs] def nitrogen_from_urine( amount: Quantity, ci: int = 0, q: Optional[NumericArrayLike] = None, **kwargs ) -> Quantity: ''' Compute the amount of nitrogen from a volume of urine using the ``excretion_content.csv`` database. Parameters ---------- amount : Quantity (float or numpy array) [length]**3 Quantity of urine in liters or cubic meters. ci : int (optional, default: 0) Confidence interval (CI). If non-zero, the function will also return the low and high expected values corresponding to that CI. q : array-like of floats (optional: default: None) Percentiles to compute (supersedes `ci`). **kwargs : arguments to use a subset of the database Additional arguments can be use to restrict the results to a subset of the full database. E.g. one can add `group="adult"` to return only data from adult individuals, or `region="Europe"` to use only values obtained from studies in European countries. Returns ------- nitrogen_mass : float or array of dimension D [mass]*[nitrogen] Mean mass of contained nitrogen if `q` is None or `ci` is 0. If `q` is provided, returns the values associated to each percentile in `q` for each entry in `amount`; otherwise one (low, mean, high) result per entry in `amount`, giving the masses expected for the requested confidence interval. The dimension D is either 3, len(q), (len(amount), 3), or (len(amount), len(q)) depending on `ci` and `q`. ''' return nutrient_from_compound(amount, "N", "urine", ci=ci, q=q, **kwargs)
[docs] def nitrogen_from_feces( amount: Quantity, ci: int = 0, q: Optional[NumericArrayLike] = None, wet: bool = True, **kwargs ) -> Quantity: ''' Compute the amount of nitrogen from a mass of feces using the ``excretion_content.csv`` database. Parameters ---------- amount : Quantity (float or numpy array) [mass] Mass of feces. ci : int (optional, default: 0) Confidence interval (CI). If non-zero, the function will also return the low and high expected values corresponding to that CI. q : array-like of floats (optional: default: None) Percentiles to compute (supersedes `ci`). wet : bool (optional, default: True) Whether to compute the mass of wet feces (default) or dry solids. **kwargs : arguments to use a subset of the database Additional arguments can be use to restrict the results to a subset of the full database. E.g. one can add `group="Adult"` to return only data from adult individuals, or `region="Europe"` to use only values obtained from studies in European countries. Returns ------- nitrogen_mass : float or array of dimension D [mass]*[nitrogen] Mean mass of contained nitrogen if `q` is None or `ci` is 0. If `q` is provided, returns the values associated to each percentile in `q` for each entry in `amount`; otherwise one (low, mean, high) result per entry in `amount`, giving the masses expected for the requested confidence interval. The dimension D is either 3, len(q), (len(amount), 3), or (len(amount), len(q)) depending on `ci` and `q`. ''' source = "feces (wet)" if wet else "feces (dry)" return nutrient_from_compound(amount, "N", source, ci=ci, q=q, **kwargs)